Download WISE VisualCAM 16.9.69

WISE VisualCAM 16 free download


VisualCAM is a powerful Manufacturing Engineering CAM software package that addresses the wide-ranging needs of EDA professionals. For the PCB layout engineer VisualCAM offers a complete set of Design Verification features. If you are a Bare-Board PCB engineer there is a full range of Manufacturing Verification and Tooling features available.

Finally VisualCAM rounds out its capabilities by offering Loaded-Board PCB engineers an array of Assembly Processing capabilities not typically found within competitive products.

VisualCAM comes standard with intelligent data transfer interfaces for formats such as ODB++, ODB++ XML, IPC-2581, DirectCAM import, and PADS ASCII import. These formats provide VisualCAM users with the ability to achieve maximum data transfer to manufacturing, for improved quality and reliability during the manufacturing engineering phases of any job flow. Interfacing with other systems has never been easier; take a look at the broad range of support that these formats provide:

Altium DesignerODB++
Allegro & Allegro StudioIPC-2581
OrCAD LayoutIPC-2581
Frontline Solutions 
Genesis2000IPC-2581 or ODB++
Mentor Graphics 
ExpeditionIPC-2581 or ODB++
Valor Computerized Systems 
Enterprise3000IPC-2581 or ODB++

Features of VisualCAM

  • PCB design
  • Various possibilities for PCB blank board design
  • Has assembly processing capabilities
  • Overview of design data
  • Graphic-visual interface
  • Working with ODB ++, ODB ++ XML, IPC-2581 formats

required system

System Requirements
  •  IBM PC-compatible with at least 1 GHz Pentium CPU
  •  For best graphics display, a 17 ″ or larger monitor with at least 1280 x 1024 resolution is recommended.
  •  At least 512 MB of RAM and 30 MB of hard disk space
Operating Systems Supported
  •  Windows 7
  •  Windows 8
  •  Windows 10

Download WISE VisualCAM 16

Download WISE VisualCAM 16.9.69

password: 2020

install WISE VisualCAM 16

Install VisualCam

copy to installed dir

copy wise03.lic to ProgramData\WISE Software Solutions\License