Autodesk maya 2016 for windows/ macos

Download autodesk maya 2016 for windows macos

Autodesk maya 2016

Autodesk Maya commonly referred to as Maya for short, is a 3D graphics software running on Windows, OS X and Linux platforms, originally designed by Alias Systems Corporation and currently owned and developed by Autodesk

Autodesk Maya 2016 is a professional animation and 3D design software, it thoroughly integrates and combines simulation tools, including: fluid effects, fabric, fur, hair… and turning tools. 3D utility to create models, textures, moving images to help designers in the fields of animation, film, entertainment games, television

Autodesk maya 2016 requirements

CPU64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor
Graphics HardwareRefer to the Maya Certified Hardware page for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards
RAM4 GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
Disk Space4 GB of free disk space for install

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  • Serial: 666 – 69696969
  • Product Key: 657H1

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