Download CADValley infraWizard v22.0.0
what is new in infraWizard v22.0.0
infraWizard add-in for Autodesk AutoCAD
Create pipe networks from AutoCAD entities or by importing data from other sources. Use plan styles to format network plans and add annotations to pipes and nodes. Create well formatted longitudinal profiles for pressure and gravity lines. Get instant interference check at crossing points between pipes. Edit properties of network elements using single or group editing commands. Export BIM models of networks in the form of 3D AutoCAD elements with all associated data.
System Requirements:
This software is installed as an add-in application for Autodesk AutoCAD, Civil 3D, or Map 3D versions 2018 to 2023
Microsoft Windows 64-bit operating system.
Download infraWizard v22.0.0
Download infraWizard v22.0.0 Unlimited
password: 2020
How to install infraWizard v22
Installation instructions: see file readme.txt