Download GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024.2.1
what is new in GeoStudio
Geotechnical workflows are smoother than ever with the newly released GeoStudio 2022.1! This release includes key features and functionality to improve the 3D modelling experience and enhance slope stability analysis through SLOPE/W.
Licensing is more flexible than ever. With this release, GeoStudio supports three licensing types, enables easy transitions between Licensing Systems, and is now available to Bentley enterprise accounts via E365
Enhanced 3D Workflow
BUILD3D Embedded in GeoStudio Window
The 3D geometry creation application is now present in the main GeoStudio window, simplifying the 3D workflow. This improvement brings 3D modelling in GeoStudio closer to the 2D experience.
Quick Material Assignment with Geological Model Volumes
GeoStudio provides the ability to import Leapfrog Geological Model Volumes from Seequent Central into a 3D geometry. These Geological Model Volumes can be used to assign materials to existing 3D parametric geometry objects. This workflow makes it easy to map complex geologies to analysis geometry, removing the need to create complex parametric surfaces to capture stratigraphic boundaries.
Common Commands Added to BUILD3D
The undo and redo commands are now available for creating and modifying 3D geometries.
Import 3D Piezometric Surfaces
Piezometric surfaces can be imported using the Import Background Mesh command in BUILD3D. An imported piezometric surface can be used to define initial pore water pressure conditions in a SEEP3D analysis.
SLOPE/W Improvements
Cuckoo Search Technique Now Available
The Cuckoo Search method can be used to search for circular slip surfaces in SLOPE/W. This search method is an unbiased attempt at locating the critical slip surface. It is beneficial for identifying the critical mode of failure in complex geology and/or large domains. This search method can also identify portions of the domain where additional analysis is required.
Improved Compound Strength Material Model
Planar geological features are defined by dip and dip direction. The Compound Strength material model originally required the user to enter a start and end angle which bound the dip of the plane. The improved Compound Strength model now allows for the direct entry of the dip angle and two ranges around the dip, in which the strength is linearly interpolated between the joint and intact material. The other key change is that the intact material is selected from the existing materials list and only the discontinuities must be defined in the joint parameters table.
Download GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024
Download GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024.2.1 Multilanguage
Download GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2023.1.2.11 Multilanguage
Download GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2022.1 v11.4.2.250 Multilanguage
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How to install GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio
Installation instructions: see file readme.txt