Download Rocscience RocSupport 5.007

Download Rocscience RocSupport 5.007

Rocscience RocSupport

Support Estimation Software

Uses ground reaction curves to estimate deformation in circular or near-circular excavations in weak rock and visualizes tunnel interaction with various support systems.

Ground Reaction Curve

Easily estimate deformation of circular excavations in weak rock. Using tunnel radius, in-situ stress conditions, rock parameters, and support parameters, RocSupport calculates a ground reaction curve and a support reaction curve. The intersection of these curves determines the factor of safety for the support system.

Support Options

Install combinations of rockbolts, steelsets, shotcrete, or custom supports. You can select from a library of predefined supports using manufacturer specifications. Define support installation as the distance from the tunnel face, by percentage of tunnel convergence or by tunnel displacement.

Deterministic or Probabilistic Analysis

Compute a factor of safety with deterministic analysis or determine the probability of failure for probabilistic models using convergence-confinement analysis. Model variability in tunnel radius, in-situ stress, and rock material properties by assigning statistical distributions to variables. Generate histogram, cumulative, and scatter plots of statistical data.

Rocscience RocSupport 5 free download

Download Rocscience RocSupport 5.

How to install Rocscience RocSupport 5.

Download all parts (If the file is split into multiple parts), then extract the file

Installation guide: install according to the instructions in the Readme.txt file

  • Disable anti-virus software when unpack and install
  • After the installation is done, open anti-virus software, add installation directory OR Cracked file to exclusion (Set in antivirus app OR windows security)