Nuhertz Filter Solutions v16.3.6

Nuhertz Filter Solutions v16 free download

Nuhertz Filter Solutions

Filter Solutions is a product of Nuhertz Technology, a comprehensive software package for the design, analysis and synthesis of electronic filters. The company is one of the leaders in analyzing and analyzing low-pass and high-pass filters

Filter Solutions provides capacitors, switches, activate and passive synthesizers and has the ability to analyze parasitic effects. It is also possible to design IIR and FIR filters in C language. Filter design modules This application is used by electronic engineers in a variety of fields including telecommunication systems, military electronics, medicine, instrumentation, oil exploration and antenna design, as well as IC, MMIC and RFIC design. Passive Filter, Distributed Filter, Active Filter, Digital Filter, Switched Capacitor, and Zmatch ما modules are available in this application. Using these modules you have everything you need to design and synthesize electronic filters

Download Nuhertz Filter Solutions v16

Download Nuhertz Filter Solutions v16

password extract file: 2020

install Nuhertz Filter Solutions

Installation instructions: see file readme.txt

NOTE: Some software requires:

  • Disable anti-virus software when unpack and install
  • Add installation directory to exclusions