WipWare WipFrag 3.3 free download
WipFrag Image Analysis Software allows instant PSD analysis of digital images collected at the muckpile after a blast, a closer up sample of a stockpile, a laboratory sample or even drone/UAV images. With auto-scaling capabilities, WipFrag is safe, cost effective and the most accurate fragmentation analysis tool in the world.
Instantly analyze images across multiple platforms for particle size, shape and colour. Seamlessly share results across all platforms: iOS, Android, Windows. Optimize blast performance and put fragmentation at your fingertips! Compatible with drones to quickly and safely generate comprehensive data with precise geographic information.
Download WipWare WipFrag 3.3
Download WipWare WipFrag
password: 2020
installd WipFrag
Installation instructions: see file readme.txt
NOTE: Some software requires:
- Disable anti-virus software when unpack and install
- After the installation is done, open anti-virus software, add installation directory OR Cracked file to exclusion (including windows security)