Virtual CRASH 5.0 x64

Download Virtual CRASH 5.0 x64

Virtual CRASH Accident Reconstruction Software

Virtual CRASH 5 is a new 64-bit application for accident reconstruction. Virtual CRASH 5 contains all the same features of version 4, including the same physics models, but with even more functionality! Scroll down to learn more about what amazing features you can expect in Virtual CRASH 5! See video >

now in a 64-bit application. No more worrying about memory limitations. Import extremely large point clouds, 3D models, textures, aerial images

Take control over the look and feel of your vehicles, buildings, trees, or any other object in your scene. You have control over reflectivity, transparency, shininess, and more. You can even apply custom texture maps for logos, complex paint patterns, or to even age your vehicles

Download Virtual CRASH 5

Download Virtual CRASH 5

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