Phoenix FD 3.13.00 MAYA & Phoenix FD 3.40.00 3ds MAX

Download Phoenix FD 3.13.00 MAYA & Phoenix FD 3.40.00 3ds MAX

Phoenix FD

Phoenix FD is a powerful tool for fluid simulations. To meet the needs of VFX that need to simulate phenomena such as fire, smoke, and explosions as well as simulate liquid flows, foams and splashes, today Phoenix FD has become the must-have simulation software suite for every home. graphic production.

Phoenix FD offers versatility and speed beyond expectations. With its adaptive grid, high interactivity, GPU accelerated preview, and multi-core displacement algorithm, Phoenix FD has become the leading solution for flow simulation in the visual effects industry.

Download Phoenix FD 3.13.00 MAYA & Phoenix FD 3.40.00 3ds MAX

Download Phoenix FD 3.13 for MAYA 2015 – 2018

Download Phoenix FD 3.40.00 for 3ds max 2014-2020

password: 2020 OR ********

Install Phoenix FD FD 3.11 for MAYA

1. delete any previous vray meds

2. Download and install Trial or Retail of any VRay and PhoenixFD version for any Maya version.

3. copy “vrayformayapatch.mll” + “zray.mll” to “Autodesk\Maya20xx\vray\plug-ins\”

4. Load Vrayformaya.mll, phoenixfd.mll and vrayformayapatch.mll plugin in Maya Menu “Windows>Setings Preferences>Plugin Manager”,
and checked both “Load” and “Auto Load”, then restart Maya

5. Done and enjoy it!

install Phoenix FD 3.40.00 for 3ds max

1. Install “phoenixFD_adv_31000_max20XX_vray_30_x64.exe”
You can choose “Customize” > “Remote license server” to not install the local one, that is not required

2. Replace “phoenixfd.dlr” in vrayplugins dir “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\plugins\vrayplugins”

3. Enjoy!