LS-DYNA R13.0.0 windows / R11.2.1 Linux

LS-DYNA R13.0.0 free download


LS-DY­NA is a gen­er­al-pur­pose fi­nite el­e­ment pro­gram ca­pa­ble of sim­u­lat­ing com­plex re­al world prob­lems. It is used by the au­to­mo­bile, aero­space, con­struc­tion, mil­i­tary, man­u­fac­tur­ing, and bio­engi­neer­ing in­dus­tries. LS-DY­NA is op­ti­mized for shared and dis­trib­uted mem­o­ry Unix, Lin­ux, and Win­dows based, plat­forms, and it is ful­ly QA’d by LSTC. The code’s ori­gins lie in high­ly non­lin­ear, tran­sient dy­nam­ic fi­nite el­e­ment analy­sis us­ing ex­plic­it time in­te­gra­tion.

“Non­lin­ear” means at least one (and some­times all) of the fol­low­ing com­pli­ca­tions:

  • Chang­ing bound­ary con­di­tions (such as con­tact be­tween parts that changes over time)
  • Large de­for­ma­tions (for ex­am­ple the crum­pling of sheet met­al parts)
  • Non­lin­ear ma­te­ri­als that do not ex­hib­it ide­al­ly elas­tic be­hav­ior (for ex­am­ple ther­mo­plas­tic poly­mers)

“Tran­sient dy­nam­ic” means an­a­lyz­ing high speed, short du­ra­tion events where in­er­tial forces are im­por­tant. Typ­i­cal us­es in­clude:

  • Au­to­mo­tive crash (de­for­ma­tion of chas­sis, airbag in­fla­tion, seat­belt ten­sion­ing)
  • Ex­plo­sions (un­der­wa­ter Naval mine, shaped charges)
  • Man­u­fac­tur­ing (sheet met­al stamp­ing)

LS-DY­NA’s po­ten­tial ap­pli­ca­tions are nu­mer­ous and can be tai­lored to many fields. In a giv­en sim­u­la­tion, any of LS-DY­NA’s many fea­tures can be com­bined to mod­el a wide range of phys­i­cal events. An ex­am­ple of a sim­u­la­tion, which in­volves a unique com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures, is the NASA JPL Mars Pathfind­er land­ing sim­u­la­tion which sim­u­lat­ed the space probe’s use of airbags to aid in its land­ing. LS-DY­NA is one of the most flex­i­ble fi­nite el­e­ment analy­sis soft­ware pack­ages avail­able.

LS-DY­NA con­sists of a sin­gle ex­e­cutable file and is en­tire­ly com­mand line dri­ven. There­fore all that is re­quired to run LS-DY­NA is a com­mand shell, the ex­e­cutable, an in­put file, and enough free disk space to run the cal­cu­la­tion. All in­put files are in sim­ple ASCII for­mat and thus can be pre­pared us­ing any text ed­i­tor. In­put files can al­so be pre­pared with the in­stant aid of a graph­i­cal pre­proces­sor.

Download LS-DYNA R13.0.0

Download LS-DYNA R13.0.0

Download LS-DYNA SMP R11.2.1 Solvers Windows/ Linux

password: 2020

install LS-DYNA R13.0.0

Installation instructions: see file readme.txt

NOTE: Some software requires:

  • Disable anti-virus software when unpack and install
  • After the installation is done, open anti-virus software, add installation directory OR Cracked file to exclusion (including windows security)