Download IES Virtual Environment 2023.4
what is new in IES Virtual Environment 2021
The IES Virtual Environment (VE) is a suite of building performance analysis applications. It can be used by designers to test different options, identify passive solutions, compare low-carbon & renewable technologies, and draw conclusions on energy use, CO2 emissions and occupant comfort.
IESVE 2021 Feature Pack 1 Updates
Speed up to Climate Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM)
- UDI, ASE, sDA now available via faster rtrace-dc Radiance module
- The rtrace-dc route means a detailed glazed space will simulate on the fast settings option.
- UDI 10-20x faster
- ASE 60-80x faster
- sDA 10-15x faster
- Fully compliant with LM 83:2012
Enhanced HVAC systems data can now be imported in gbXML from Autodesk Revit
- Data does not need to be set up twice
- HVAC systems mapped to prototype systems
- Script available from IES content store
NECB 2017 Navigator for Canadian Code Compliance
- Workflow and automation make NECB readily accessible and quick to use. Full details available here
Supported Environments
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Windows installations on Mac OS via:VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop, Boot Camp
Note: IESVE will run on 64bit versions of Windows, but it will run as a 32bit application. Our Radiance, Microflo and SunCast applications support multithreading.
Software Required
Microsoft® Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
.NET Framework 2.0 from Microsoft
Minimum Hardware
1152 x 864 screen resolution
Dedicated OpenGL-compliant graphics card
2Ghz+ Intel Pentium / AMD Athlon CPU
Recommended Hardware (for large projects)
1280 x 960 screen resolution
256Mb OpenGL v2.1 compliant graphics card
Dual core CPU (Intel Core 2, or AMD x2 series)
Download IES Virtual Environment 2023.4
Download IES Virtual Environment 2023.4 x64
install IES Virtual Environment 2021
Installation instructions: see file readme.txt