Download VSNi Genstat 24.1

Download Genstat 24.1

Genstat: The Complete Data Analysis Solution

Genstat is a powerful data analysis software that delivers insights for confident decisions. Its comprehensive suite of statistical tools, including leading ANOVA and REML, ensures trustworthy results even for the most intricate research questions.

Genstat Data Analysis Software Features

  • Manage data on Genstat’s own spreadsheet
  • Illustrate data with graphics such as histograms, boxplots, scatter plots, line graphs, trellis plots, contour and 3-dimensional surface plots
  • Generate reports, including information in non-English languages such as Chinese and Thai
  • Analyse experiments, ranging from one-way analysis of variance to complex designs with several sources of error variation, using a balanced-ANOVA or a REML approach (including the modelling of correlation structures)
  • Design investigations deciding on the sample size, or numbers of replicates, required to detect the anticipated treatment effects
  • Identify patterns in data by means of multivariate techniques such as canonical variates analysis, principal components analysis, principal coordinates analysis, correspondence analysis, partial least squares, classification trees and cluster analysis
  • Analyse results from stratified or from unstructures surveys
  • Plot control charts, print Pareto tables and calculate capability statistics
  • Compatible with Excel spreadsheet software (import/export)
  • Transform data using a general calculation facility with a wide range of mathematical and statistical functions
  • Summarize and compare data with tabular reports, fitted distributions, and standard tests, such as t-tests and various non parametric tests
  • Model relationships between variables by linear or nonlinear regression, generalized linear models, generalized additive models, generalized linear mixed models or hierarchical generalized linear models
  • Analyse time series using Box-Jenkins models or spectral analysis
  • Analyse repeated measurements by analysis of variance, or using ante dependence structure, or by modelling the correlation over time
  • Analyse spatial patterns using Kriging or spatial point processes. These techniques are useful in agriculture, ecology, genetics, medical research, and other areas of biology, as well as in industrial research and quality control, and economic and social surveys; inface in any field of research, business, government or education where statistics are used

Download Genstat 24.1

Download Genstat 24.1

How to install Genstat 24.1

Download all parts (If the file is split into multiple parts), then extract the file

Installation guide: install according to the instructions in the Readme.txt file

  • Disable anti-virus software when unpack and install
  • After the installation is done, open anti-virus software, add installation directory OR Cracked file to exclusion (Set in antivirus app OR windows security)