Download FIFTY2 Technology PreonLab v6.1.4

Download FIFTY2 Technology PreonLab v6

FIFTY2 Technology PreonLab

With PreonLab you can simulate Newtonian, Non-Newtonian fluids and even snow.

CFD simulation is nothing but nice images if you cannot rely on the results. Efficiency offers no benefit if the final simulation does not match reality. We are investing a lot of effort to validate PREON® on academical benchmarks, in-house test beds and on real applications in cooperation with our customers and our partner AVL. Validated models, automated test-suite and meaningful documentation ensure the RELIABILITY of your simulation results, giving predictive insights that help you to build better products. 

PreonLab 6.1 is out now.
It is loaded with new features and improvements, enabling new engineering possibilities and applications. Empowered by the new GPU capabilities, PreonLab 6.1 takes another leap forward in efficient computing, delivering results even quicker.
Read on to find out more about:

  • Enhanced GPU performance: PreonLab’s GPU implementation just got a significant boost. Not only does PreonLab 6.1 support multi-GPU computing now, but it also enables continuous particle size (CPS), dynamic sampling, and adaptive sampling on GPU, making your simulations even more efficient.
  • Airflow and Car Suspension Model (CSM): PreonLab 6.1 also enables airflow import and CSM support for simulations on GPU. These are some of the key application enablers making it possible to simulate various use cases also on GPU.
  • Snow Model on GPU: Snow modeling has been an important part of existing PreonLab capabilities. We are thrilled to announce that our snow model is now also available on the GPU platform.
  • Enhanced Thermodynamics: Convective boundary condition has been added to the list of available boundary conditions.  Convective Boundary Conditions can represent a more physical heat transfer, that predominantly occurs due to convective heat transport at fluid-fluid or fluid-solid interfaces. It is designed to conveniently represent natural or forced convection of heated solid bodies or fluids, in applications like heat exchangers, heat sinks, and even e-motors.

Download FIFTY2 Technology PreonLab v6

Download FIFTY2 Technology PreonLab v6.1.4

How to install PreonLab v6

Download all parts (If the file is split into multiple parts), then extract the file

Installation guide: install according to the instructions in the Readme.txt file

  • Disable anti-virus software when unpack and install
  • After the installation is done, open anti-virus software, add installation directory OR Cracked file to exclusion (Set in antivirus app OR windows security)