Download Bentley RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition
RAM SBeam is a powerful and versatile program for the design of steel beams. Using one of several design codes, RAM SBeam can select the optimum beam size or check the adequacy of existing construction. The program provides rapid evaluation and comparison between various beams under various load conditions. RAM SBeam has a user interface unparalleled for simplicity and ease of use, while providing a very powerful design capability. This results in substantial time savings for the Engineer and a more economical design for the client
Features of RAM SBeam include:
- Composite Beam Design and Investigation
- Non-composite Beam Design and Investigation
- Cantilevers
- Braced or Unbraced Compression Flange
- AISC LRFD and ASD, Canadian, Eurocode, British, Australian, and Indian design
- English, SI, and Metric Units
- Rolled and Built-up Shapes
- Castellated and Cellular Beams (AISC Design)
- Foreign and Domestic Steel Tables
- Web Opening Design (AISC, British, and Eurocode)
- Beam Self-weight Automatically Included
- Load Diagrams
- Shear, Moment, and Deflection Diagrams
- User Control of Design Criteria and Parameters, including Camber, Deflection limits, and limits on Demand / Capacity ratio
- Can be run as a stand-alone program, or it can be launched from the RAM Structural System or from RAM Elements
Enhancements in RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition
- AISC 360-16 ASD and LRFD
- Canada CAN/CSA S16-14
- India IS 800-07 WSD and LSD.
- Enhanced Stud Criteria. Several options have been added to further refine the selection of studs, including setting the maximum stud spacing to be equal to the rib spacing, and enforcement of the stud ductility rules.
The Release Notes can be found here.
Download Bentley RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition
Download Bentley RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition
password extract file: 2020
install RAM SBeam CONNECT Edition
Installation instructions: see file readme.txt
NOTE: Some software requires:
- Disable anti-virus software when unpack and install
- Add installation directory to exclusions