Download ANSYS Maxwell 16.02 x64 / 16.0 x86

Download ANSYS Maxwell 16

ANSYS Maxwell

Ansys Maxwell software provides 2D and 3D low frequency electric field simulation for analysis of electromagnetic and electromechanical devices.

Ansys Maxwell is an EM field solver for electric machines, transformers, wireless charging, permanent magnet latches, actuators and other electr mechanical devices. It solves static, frequency-domain and time-varying magnetic and electric fields.

With Maxwell, you can precisely characterize the nonlinear, transient motion of electromechanical components and their effects on the drive circuit and control system design. By leveraging Maxwell’s advanced electromagnetic field solvers and seamlessly linking them to the integrated circuit and systems simulation technology, you can understand the performance of electromechanical systems long before building a prototype in hardware.

  • Advanced Magnetic Modeling
  • Multiphysics Couplings
  • Bi-Directional CAD Integration
  • Electric Drive Modeling

Download ANSYS Maxwell 16

The development and upgrade of this software has been completed independently and is integrated with the ANSYS Electronics (Electromagnetics) Suite

Download ANSYS Maxwell 16.02 x64 / 16.0 x86

password: 2020

install ANSYS Maxwell 16

1. Install software
2. Delete any lic file in AnsysEM\admin and copy license.lic to AnsysEM\admin
3. turn off any AntiVirus software
4. copy “Patchx86.exe” to installation folder(the folder where the maxwell.exe resides) and run as administrator to activate it