Download ADINA System 9.7.2 x64

Download ADINA System 9

ADINA System

ADINA System is a comprehensive and comprehensive software for analyzing and analyzing limited elements, structures and flow of fluids and liquids in an interactivate and simulated structure.

ADINA System can also be used to analyze multiple physics problems, such as the interaction of fluids and solids and mechanical-thermal structures, and some nonlinear analytical problems

ADINA System include: 

ADINA Structures is the leading finite element analysis program for linear and nonlinear analysis of solids and structures in statics and dynamics. ADINA Structures is routinely used in the automotive, heavy machinery, civil, construction, biomedical, oil and gas, nuclear, consumer goods, and defense industries, among others. It is often selected for analyses in which reliability and accuracy are of critical importance.

ADINA CFD provides a comprehensive approach to modeling fluids in all flow regimes and under a variety of multiphysics coupling scenarios. The program is equipped to simulate turbulent and fully compressible flows, flows with heat and mass transfer, two-phase flows, fluid-structural interactions, and fluid-electromagnetic coupling, among others

ADINA Thermal is used to simulate heat transfer through solids and structures. It has powerful analysis capabilities such as radiation between surfaces of arbitrary geometries, element birth-death options and capabilities for highly nonlinear material behavior.

ADINA EM provides solution capabilities for electromagnetic analysis allowing electromagnetic effects to be coupled to mechanical or fluid flow systems. AC/DC conduction, time-harmonic, eddy current and many more types of problems can be solved with this program.

ADINA FSI is the industry-leading product for simulating fully coupled fluid-structure interactions. Through direct and iterative coupling schemes, ADINA FSI offers a reliable and robust approach to challenging problems, such as large deformations of soft structures or highly compressible flows abutting stiff structures.

ADINA TMC is a comprehensive program for solving fully coupled thermo-mechanical problems. ADINA TMC offers a reliable and robust approach to challenging problems, such as frictional heating, heat transfer between contacting bodies, heat generation due to viscoelastic or plastic dissipation, and thermal deformations.

ADINA Multiphysics problems are encountered when the response of a system is affected by the interaction between several distinct physical fields (e.g., structural deformation, fluid flow, electric field, temperature, pore-pressure,etc.).

The ADINA User Interface (AUI) provides the complete pre- and post-processing capabilities for all the ADINA solution programs, offering a fully interactivate graphical user interface for all the modeling and post-processing tasks. The ADINA User Interface allows enhanced solid modeling with the addition of the ADINA Modeler module.

ADINA User Interface (AUI) provides full capabilities for pre- and post-processing all the solution modules. However, to enable users who are familiar and comfortable with other CAD and pre/post modeling systems to quickly create finite element models for the ADINA solution programs

Download ADINA System 9

Download ADINA System 9

Password extract file: 2020

install ADINA System 9

view the readme file

version 32bit

1. Inastall ADINA 9.0.0 32-bit as Floating Industry. When asked for setup password input: dP7942N

2. Wnen asked for server host name type in:

3. Confirm localhost to be Server (Yes > Yes)

4. Confirm to update Environment Variables

5. Copy folders “x32” and “Femap” to <ADINA90 progdir> (by default C:\ADINA90\ ) and overwrite original ones

6. REBOOT computer!!

version 64bit

1. Run ADINA 9.6.0 Win64 setup. When the window for entering the setup password appears
copy “Adina_v95_install_patcher.exe” to computer and run it as Administrator

Wait until CMD message: “Successfully Patched, Proceed Installation!”

Close CMD window

Inpup setup password: ssssss

In licensing window select: Floating-Industry

2. For license server machine input: localhost
and press Yes on all prompts

3. Overwrite <ADINA96 program folder> (by default C:\ADINA96 )
with Cr@cked one

4. Run as Administrator the “install_adina_license.bat” in <ADIN96 program folder>
(by default C:\ADINA95\install_adina_license.bat )

5. Reboot computer!!!

For linux

0. Make sure ksh93 and csh are installed. If they are not, install them using your package manager

1. Start ADINA installation by running the installer from command shell as root:

./ –target /opt/ADINA

2. Press Y and Enter to accept license agreement

3. Press Y and Enter to accept the install directory (the one specified at startup)

4. Enter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and Enter, then reply Y and Enter to select all components

5. Press 2 and Enter to select Floating-Industrial license

6. Press Enter to accept license server name

7. Press N and Enter to accept that PDF reader is installed on computer

8. Press 3 and Enter to skip reading ADINA license files

9. Press Y and Enter to update the scripts used to start ADINA tools

10. Press Y and Enter to rempve tar leftovers after install is complete

11. Press N and Enter to skip readme file

12. Untar the Cr@ck contents from ADINA.SYSTEMS.9.6.0.LINUX64-SSQ.tar.gz into /opt/ADINA

13. Run /opt/ADINA/tools/aui9.5

14. Enjoy!