Download Texifier 1.9.27 macOS

Download Texifier 1.9.27

Texifier (Texpad)

Native macOS app with efficient LaTeX environment. Feature-laden, not feature-cluttered.

Projects of all sizes

Simply open your main LaTeX file and let Texpad load your full project, including sub-files, bibliographies and stylesheets therein.

Syntax-Highlighting Editor

Texpad’s editor is LaTeX and BibTeX aware and highlights your code to make it easy to write it. Bundled with Texpad are a number of themes that allow you to change the look of the editor. In addition to syntax highlighting, you can block comment/un-commentblock indent/un-indent and spell-check as you type.


Use the magic of auto-complete to write faster and with fewer LaTeX errors. Texpad autocompletes all common TeX commands and autofills \ref and \cite commands with the labels and cite keys defined elsewhere in your document.

Clean workspace

Texpad keeps your workspace uncluttered by hiding the intermediate files and allows setting various LaTeX and BibTeX options, all through a simple settings interface.

Quick LaTeX Reference

texpad’s autocomplete window also acts a quick reference on LaTeX commands, as well as showing you context information on all labels and citation keys.

Live Typesetting

Texpad’s live typesetter TexpadTeX renders the PDF output from your LaTeX source code as you type.

Troubleshooting LaTeX errors made easy

Texpad simplifies LaTeX’s cryptic error logs by presenting a simple, navigable list of errors that you can jump to, fix, and carry on writing.

Integrated PDF viewer

Quickly switching to PDF after typesetting lends to a smooth workflow, where the editor and the output work in tandem.

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Download Texifier 1.9.27

Download Texifier 1.9.27 for Mac

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