Download Reallusion Cartoon Animator 5.31.3324.1

Download Cartoon Animator 5

what is new in Reallusion Cartoon Animator 5

Cartoon Animator is a 2D animation software designed for ease of entry and productivity. Turn images into animated characters, drive facial animations with your expressions, generate lip-sync animation from audio, create 3D parallax scenes, and produce 2D visual effects. Gain access to content resources and wield a comprehensive photoshop/vector pipeline to rapidly customize characters and create interesting content.

In the Cartoon Animator 5 (CTA5) release, it’s fulfilling the groundwork of animation productions and also elevating CTA’s unique techniques. Secondary animation can be automatically created with simple keys, squash-and-stretch can be deformed freely, vector graphics are supported for uncompromising resolution no matter how you zoom the camera.

Vector Pipelines

Added support for vector graphics.The new Vector Grouping tool gives designers the power to define color units and opacity settings.The new Color Grouping tool can adjust sections of hair color without overwriting relative color variations.Dress styles can be swapped for color-grouped clothing.Any vector format can be converted to SVG and imported to CTA5 for animation and post-effects.Color Grouping tool can automatically group similar colors into segments.SVG G3 character templates help to create animated 2D characters by placing their body parts into logical layer groups/folders.

Spring Dynamics

Spring dynamics can be applied to characters and props.Spring dynamics can link objects together into a cohesive entity.Spring physics can be driven by all sources of movement, including motion data, face puppet tool, and motion capture.Spring behavior is independent of each grouping with adjustable settings.Free trial software includes Spring bone templates demonstrating 20 typical Spring objects for easy reference.

Free Form Deformation (FFD)

FFD can exaggerate animations with bounded lattice points.Animations can be exaggerated with FFD keys and adjustments to transition curves in the timeline.Manual adjustments can be applied to certain parts of an object.FFD keys are automatically added to the timeline when lattice points are moved.The FFD Editor includes a squash-and-stretch preset.CTA5 has an updated library of free G3 Human motions and adjustable FFD effects.FFD animations are saveable as clips that can be temporarily turned off by setting the intensity value to zero (instead of deleting it from the timeline).FFD effects can be applied to static objects that can be as simple as images, props, or characters in a compound structure.FFD Editor Includes 109 organic FFD presets that are categorized into 6 main groups, which are Basic, Sheer, Squash & Stretch, Convex & Concave.Several FFD effects can be stacked by enabling Additive, which is useful to customize the deformation.The CTA5 newly introduced FFD motion library provides simple drag-and-drop motions for photo or vector graphics.

Smart Content Management

Content Resources

1. There’s now an extensive library of over 1,700 assets including demo projects, character assets, accessories, animations, scenes, and props.

2. Two brand new vector characters with dedicated color templates that can be easily adjusted for different color variations.

3. 200+ facial components and 40+ accessories and props can be mixed and matched to create unique character styles.

4. Embedded character rigging templates are provided with different bone structures for humans, animals, spined creatures, and winged creatures.

5. 100s of free animation resources are now available in the CTA5 animation library including 2D & 3D motion; performance and facial animations; elastic and prop motions; and motions containing free-form deformation.

6. Embedded Human motion files under the 2D Motion category come with adjustable FFD effects.

7. Spring dynamics come in 10 presets for different material and physics properties.

8. 30 ready-made 2D scenes and image backgrounds are available.

9. Scenes can now be customized with 500 embedded props.

Content Management

1. Smart Content Manager provides one-click installations for purchased assets and free designer resources.

2. Easily search and browse personal works, upload and download items to and from online inventories.


  • No audio playback while recording motion with Motion Live 2D.
  • Mouse-hovered bones do not change their colors in compose mode.
  • Objects do not display completely in the view when using the Intel Iris Xe chip as the onboard display card.
  • Some projects show errors when loaded, and afterward, cause a crash while being edited.
  • Using Head & Body in two separate files options when launching certain characters to a PSD editor causes the application to crash.
  • After adjusting the prop layer on the character, and then adjusting again after changing the character’s head, the actual layer setting and the order of the viewport display differently.
  • Disable Show Grid, and the grid will show again after entering and exiting the 3D view.
  • The color of the hairpiece (facial and sprite) does not change when adjusting the Render Style.
  • The character in the viewport is inconsistent with Layer Manager after having restructured the character in the Layer Manager.
  • Clicking the left-hand or left-foot Lock button in the 2D Motion Key Editor will crash for some projects.
  • Editing the deformation of an accessory in 360 Head Creator causes a crash.
  • Some projects with null audio data will cause a crash when exporting to After Effects.
  • Some projects, with a specific video prop, freezes during output.

Download Reallusion Cartoon Animator 5

Download Reallusion Cartoon Animator  5.3.

Download Reallusion Cartoon Animator 4.51.3511.1 Pipeline macOS

How to install Reallusion Cartoon Animator 5

Installation instructions: see file readme.txt