Caneco Solar v1.0 French

Caneco Solar v1.0 free download

Caneco Solar

Caneco Solar is the ALPI design software for photovoltaic It provides an economical, reliable and secure installation design for the DC and AC parts of your PV project. Caneco Solar generates all the diagrams and documents required for the design, installation and checking of the system. Automated cost-effective design of an Problem-free photovoltaic generator design

Design the PV generator to ensure full compatibility between the

Design with flexibility. You can enter your data in various ways: as a function of panel surface area, the power of the installation, the number of PV modules, or by previously selecting the inverter.

Let the software propose the best combination of module strings and check that the systems are mutually compatible.

Take into account the current and voltage compatibility ranges, if necessary for each inverter MPP tracker, etc.

Quickly compare the various possible solutions.

Let Caneco Solar automatically propose the best DC wiring design. The software will take into account the number of inputs from each inverter MPP tracker and your own parameters (maximum number of strings per junction box).

Enter string cable lengths and sections into a spread sheet very quickly, as a function of modifiable design requirements.

Then let Caneco Solar compute the sections itself, as a function of maximum acceptable current values. Sections can then be increased if necessary, until the required voltage drop is obtained.

Download Caneco Solar v1.0

Download Caneco Solar v1.0

password: 2020

install Caneco Solar v1.0

Installation instructions: see file readme.txt

NOTE: Some software requires:

  • Disable anti-virus software when unpack and install
  • After the installation is done, open anti-virus software, add installation directory OR Cracked file to exclusion (including windows security)